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April 2007

Las Vegas #2 on List of America's Best Jobs in Hottest Markets

A recent article from Business 2.0 on ranks Las Vegas as the second best city in America with the best job growth forecast. With a 2 year job growth forecast of 6.5%, Las Vegas is right behind Orlando, FL . "Analysts say Las Vegas could end up topping Orlando in job growth, because it's uniquely insulated from downturns in ways that most major cities would envy. " Hottest jobs: Construction project manager ($78,800), IT project manager ($74,600), construction superintendent ($71,900), civil engineer ($70,000), executive chef ($65,500) "But almost in sync, another engine of the local economy went into overdrive:... Read more →

The 5 C's of Team Success (RISMedia article review)

I enjoyed this article by Paul Rutter from RISMedia today entitled, "The 5 C's of Team Success.". The article adresses teamwork from the perspective of a company and how the management team can build a winning team using the 5 C's. Of course, these principles apply to building success with your team - your own brokerage within a brokerage. Build COMMUNITY - This starts with the leadership team always. A new member to the team/company must feel welcomed and feel a part of the group immediately. Do you have a system of welcoming and acknowledging a new team member? Some... Read more →

Revised dates for “Building Your Own Brokerage” Group Coaching

Adjustments to the schedule for April and May. Please note: Monday, 16 April 2007 from 1:00pm – 4:00pm (How to Implement Effective Team Systems) has been rescheduled to Monday, 23 April 2007 at Equity Title from 1:30pm – 4:30pm. Monday, 14 May 2007 (Recruiting, Hiring and Retaining the Right Team Members) has been rescheduled to Monday, 7 May 2007 at Equity Title from 1:00pm – 4:00pm. “Building Your Own Brokerage” Group Coaching, Training and Networking Sessions for Team Leaders and Team Managers Coach/Facilitator: Jan O’Brien Location: Equity Title Training Center (4035 S. Tenaya Way - 2nd driveway north of Flamingo,... Read more →

Three Types of People and How They Fit in the Real Estate Business

This is my 15th year in the real estate industry. During this second career, I have been a successful listing and sales agent and served as a sales manager, broker-manager, trainer and coach. During my early management days I used to think I could ”fix” people. I would hire 10 new agents to my office and just know that because my company had the best tools, training and support and that I cared and was a solid manger – I could get most of these new agents to be successful in the business. Here’s the reality – you can’t fix... Read more →

Mastermind Groups Part 2

In the first article on mastermind groups, I covered the What and Why. Now, let's discuss who it would benefit and how to get it started. Who could benefit from participating in a mastermind group? The short answer is everyone. That is, anyone who is really serious and committed to the group and its purpose. Some established networking groups may also provide some of the benefits of a mastermind. For example, LeTip and BNI are two business networking organizations that are primarily focused on giving and receiving qualified referrals and business tips. Toastmasters is another excellent organization comprised of local... Read more →

The Power of Mastermind Groups

Joining or starting a Mastermind Group is a powerful, creative and supportive strategy to implement for your business and personal development. I highly recommend reading two excellent books that include information about masterminds. The first book is the classic by Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich . Chapter 10 is entitled "The Power of the Master Mind." Hill defines the master mind as "coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose." Hill also discusses the two characteristics of a master mind - one economic and the... Read more →

Team Building Article from RISMedia

This article entitled "Team Realities: After Advertising, Compensating and Training, Can You Stay Profitable?" is about how one top agent thrives managing a team of 23. "Burnout was what nearly caused Leigh to quit real estate six years ago at just 30 years old. Deals were coming in non-stop; he was a new parent and something had to give. It was either get out or get help. Leigh chose to dig in and form a team to help him balance his book of business, and today he reports a team volume on the order of 320 units and $152 million... Read more →

Track your Goals and more at

I highly recommend using this innovative, interactive and fun website: 43things. Just create your free account, share your 43 goals, find other people who share your goals, post your progress, and get inspired. Your account also let’s you track 43 places you want to visit, 43 people to meet, and create lists of books, movies, music, places and mark your progress on each list. An excellent example of social bookmarking, networking and the collaborative nature of the ever-evolving web! Join the WBNL Coaching Wanderers Club - The online, virtual coaching and training platform for Real Estate and Business Professionals. Your... Read more →

How to Write Powerful Goals, Pt 2

Identify your goals What is it that drives you? What motivates you? What do you really want? What is your dream? What is the big picture? Goals need to be important to you – a burning desire. Create clearly defined, vibrant written goals in all areas of your life. Download goals_worksheet.doc Write out your goals as if they have already occurred – present tense, in the affirmative. Turn your priority goals in to Affirmations. Make your goals SMART Specific/Simple Measurable/Meaningful to you Attainable/As if Now/All areas of your life Realistic/Responsible Timeframe/Toward what you want Identify the payoff of reaching your... Read more →