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May 2007

State of the Blogosphere - Web 2.0 - Live Web (April 2007)

Are you a part of the blogosphere yet? Have you heard of Technorati? Wikipedia? Web 2.0? Social Media? Blogging? Have you claimed a blog? Found Your Unique Voice? Now is the time! Look for a series of posts in the coming weeks on getting started with blogging and understanding the basics of Web 2.0 and how it can impact your business. Until then, click on the Wikipedia links above to learn more and check out the latest full report on the State of the Blogoshpere and the Live Web from Technorati - The State of the Live Web, April 2007... Read more →

Zen Habits Blog - 52 Habits for Happiness & Productivity

Ok bloggers, readers, friends...I absolutely love Zen Habits - a blog I discovered over the weekend. Bookmark it, subscribe to it, read it, comment on it! It's fresh and compelling. Leo is the blogger and he blogs about: "achieving goals, productivity, being organized, GTD, motivation, eliminating debt, saving, getting a flat stomach, eating healthy, simplifying, living frugal, parenting, happiness, and successfully implementing good habits." Check out his excellent post: Handbook for Life: 52 Habits for Happiness and Productivity. This straight-forward, common sense, extensive list of life tips are great reminders for enjoying the journey, simplfying your life and maximizing productivity. Read more →

Las Vegas Real Estate - April 2007 Fast Facts

Are you staying on top of the Las Vegas Real Estate Market? Here is another excellent report to do just that.... the April 2007 edition of Fast Facts from Larry Murphy of Salestraq and Steve Bottfeld of Marketing Solutions and the Bottfeld Report. Download APRIL2007.pdf Make sure to also download the analysis of the data here...Download april_2007_fast_facts.doc. On the left is an excerpt from the report that shows the number of active listings in the MLS for 2006 and 2007. Current supply of homes is over 12 months. Larry & Steve state: "This may be the best time in history... Read more →

7 Year Study of Real Estate in Las Vegas

Equity Title of Nevada has compiled a very comprehensive and informative 7 year study that tracks the number of homes sold and average sales price of homes by zip code from 2000 to 2006. The chart is a useful presentation tool to use with both buyer and seller clients to show the overall picture of what happened in our market over the past 7 years. Download 7_year_study_compiled_2007.pdf For example, take a look at the number of homes sold year over year since 2003 - it clearly illustrates the dramatic shift and appreciation that occured in 2004-05. I t also indicates... Read more →

2nd Annual Sunshine Kids Golf Tournament Raises over $32,000

On May 3, 2007, Prudential Americana Group sponsored a day of golfing fun with proceeds benefiting the Sunshine Kids - an organization dedicated to providing activities, trips, and events for young cancer patients. 144 golfers played the course at Siena Golf Club and enjoyed refreshments and contests sponsored by local companies and individuals. A grand total of $32,396.75 was raised - up over $9000 from the previous year. Over 30 volunteers contributed their time and energy to helping make the event an absolute success! The Scintas gave away prizes which included: Closest to the Pin Longest Drive Best Poker Hand... Read more →

Review of Group Coaching Sessions 1 & 2

Here's an update on Our Group Coaching Session & Discussion Forum series. In our first session, we covered Keys to Success in Team Building, the components of a successful business, and business & financial basics. Outlined below are the key points on business & financial basics. See the specific blog posts for details on team building theory and components of a successful business. I am currently editing the audio of the second session on Real Estate Systems and starting a series of blog posts this week to cover each system individually. The five successful components of any business 1. Know... Read more →

Team Building Systems Overview

Over the next several weeks, I will be completing a series of posts on how to establish effective team building and real estate systems. The focus will be on how to first implement the system for your personal business. This information will benefit all real estate agents whether you are or plan on building a team. I will also discuss how to create a team version of each system. One of the keys to success in building a team is to have easily, duplicatable real estate systems that your team associates can simply plug in to - plug 'n' play... Read more →

Top 10 Real Estate Team Leader Best Practices

Mindset Adjustment – You Are Your Team! Hire and retain a compatible, qualified Team Manager (TM) or be prepared to be the TM Hire talented office support staff and delegate effectively Use clear, concise Team Associate & Manager Contracts * Commission structure * Separation policy * Expectations Implement team policies and procedures (create a written operations manual for your team) Implement effective team building systems Communicate regularly with your team members (Scheduled team meetings) Attend office sales meetings to stay up-to-date with office, company policies, events and market conditions Review all contracts and paperwork for sales and listings Continually Educate... Read more →