Who is Blogging? - How To Blog Series
Thursday, June 21, 2007
The short answer...anyone and everyone! From the average citizen blogging about their daily life to celebrities to politicians to businesses (Fortune 500 companies to small business owners). Whether you want to blog about your hobbies, passions, city, neighborhood, rants or raves, or the Las Vegas Real Estate Market - the blog is the platform to find and share your unique voice, reach your target audience and interact with others.
An early, popular blog is Dooce.com which chronicles the life and times of Heather Armstrong (formerly Hamilton). Heather made national headlines when she got fired from her job for blogging about her workplace. As Heather puts it on her about page:
" My advice to you is BE YE NOT SO STUPID. Never write about work on the internet unless your boss knows and sanctions the fact that YOU ARE WRITING ABOUT WORK ON THE INTERNET."
Some Popular Blogs I Recommend:
Seth Godin Best-Selling author, Entrepreneur, Marketing Guru
Scobleizer Technical evangelist, started this blog while at Microsoft
Engadget technology blog
Gizmodo the gadget guide
Problogger blog to help bloggers
Zen Habits productivity, goals,GTD, great tips on many subjects
LifeHack productivity, Getting Things Done
How to Change the World Guy Kawasaki blogs about empowering entrepreneurs
Local Las Vegas Real Estate Blogs:
Michelle Sterling
Jacqulyn Richey
Mark Stark
Darren Welsh
Kathryn Bovard
Recommended Real Estate Industry and Marketing Blogs
Active Rain
Transparent Real Estate
Real Estate Tomato
Future of Real Estate Marketing
Other notable Real Estate Agent Blogs
Rain City Guide Seattle
360Digest Seattle
Curbed New York City
True Gotham New York City
Brownstoner Brooklyn
3Oceans San Francisco
Up next in the "How to Blog" Series: How & Where to Find Blogs.