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Another Reason to Join Active Rain - Referrals!

On June 12, I posted Reasons to Join the Active Rain Real Estate Network .  At that time there were over 36,000 members (professionals from real estate, mortgage, title and related industries).  As of today, there are now close to 40,000 members.  In fact, a recent press release on Active Rain states:

SEATTLE, July 11 /PRNewswire/ -- ActiveRain, the world's largest social networking site for real estate professionals, marked its one-year anniversary today by surpassing 35,000 members and 120,000 posts, and projecting monthly double-digit growth over the next 12 months.  For the full report: World's Largest Social Networking Site For Real Estate Professionals Grows Faster Than Wikipedia In Inaugural Year

Arreferral_4Yesterday, Active Rain announced the launch of their newest feature  - a Nationwide Referral Exchange.   The system is really simple to use.  Just post your referral.  Interested real estate agent members can request your referral by completing a comment box which sends an email to you then you select who to accept as the referred agent.  You can also browse the posted referrals and request or post your pitch to get a referral.  The referral fee is negotiated between the agents.

For now the service is free.  According to the AR press release, starting in 2008 there will be a $20 monthly fee to participate in the service.   I invite you to Join the Active Rain network of professionals.

In addition to this new referral exchange, you can generate potential leads by creating and posting relevant market content to your AR blog that can be featured in "Localism"   This feature of Active Rain is geared toward the public and as Localism.com describes what it is:

Localism will be the premier spot on the Internet for accessing local real estate information provided by those who understand local markets the best, real estate professionals.

  • Find meaningful real estate information, not just demographics and listings.
  • Get perspective on local real estate markets from the experts.
  • Interact 1 on 1 with agents to get your questions answered.

I invite you to join the Active Rain Network today and generate some additional business while networking with your peers.


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