Anatomy of a Blog - How to Blog Series
Another Reason to Join Active Rain - Referrals!

What Makes A Good Blog? How to Blog Series

I subscribe to and read over 30 blogs.  My feed reader changes as I add new and intriguing blogs and delete those that I find have lost their edge, don't udpate often or simply don't interest me any longer.  In reviewing why I subscribe to a blog (and why I delete it from my reader) I formulated this list of common features of the blogs I feel are good or great:

  1. Author's true voice, honesty, passion and personality shines through the posts
  2. The blog is upated frequently with well-written, quality, compelling and interesting content
  3. Author is transparent about who is writing the blog and what it's about
  4. The blog author invites a conversation - a blog was not intended to be a monologue
  5. Posts are easy to read and convey clarity, brevity - and for me - either inform, educate, or entertain
  6. The blog has a clear purpose and topic (s) and the author delivers content that keeps me coming back for more!

Next up: How to Post a Comment on a Blog
