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Real Connect San Francisco - Connect Duets Provide Compelling Content

Beer with Bloggers, Blogging Tips from Tisza and Project Blogger Winner Announced

I'm attending the Real Estate Connect and Bloggers Connect in San Francisco and will be posting reports, updates and the best tips and ideas I gather from the various sessions. 

The first social networking session was held last night at the Thirsty Bear - "Beer with Bloggers".  The place was jam-packed with bloggers and the beer was flowing.  I met several interesting people and was jazzed to have a great conversation with my Project Blogger pick:  Tisza Major- Posner of Route66Living.  Project Blogger was an online blogging contest co-sponsored by Inman News and Active Rain where novice bloggers and blogging coaches were matched up over a 4 month period with the goal of producing the most successful blog.  The contest was not without it's controversy - over judging continuity, etc.  Project Blogger Links - quick links to all the apprentices, coaches and their respecive blogs.  The contest winner was announced today at the Bloggers Connect... and the winner's are Mary Pope-Handy (apprentice) and Frances Flynn Thorsen (coach).

Back to my conversation with Tisza.  Her best advise on blogging came from Dustin Luther of RainCityGuide fame.  Dustin related at a seminar she attended that "your blog post is your email to the world."   To me this is a powerful statement for a couple of reasons: 

  1. It reminds me to write in a conversational tone; to the point with clarity and relevancy
  2. Your blog is on the Internet - it can reach anyone and everyone - that's a reality check for me.   Am I writing content that matters? contributes? informs? entertains?  educates?  These are the questions that are important to me and the purpose of my Real Estate Coach Blog.

The other top tip from Tisza was about finding content for your blog.  She shared that "questions from clients can be sanitized and become a great source of blog posts."   How many times have we been asked the same questions - over and over again - from clients?  Or for me...from agents.  The big point for me here was adopting an awareness and mindset of how can this situation, question, event become a post on my blog?  Is it relevant and related to my blog's focus? 
