How to Post a Comment on a Blog
Saturday, August 18, 2007
As I share my passion for blogging with others, I've realized that so many people are just becoming aware of blogs and curious about how to really participate. So this post is all about the how and why of COMMENTS on blogs. The comment feature of a blog is one of the primary differences between a website and a blog. A blog is designed to be conversational - invite commentary, questions, two-way or multiple conversations. Another reason to comment on blogs is you are able to create a link that can take a reader to your website or blog. Linking is another powerful feature of blogs.
Here's how easy it is to join the conversation!
- Every blog post has it's own unique web address. For example the URL or address of this post is So one way to get to the comment area is to simply click on the Title of the blog post and you will be able to see the "Post a Comment" box. Now just enter your name, email and website address then make your comment or ask your question. You can preview it, make sure you've spelled everything correctly and then click post. That's it - your done!
- You can also access the Comment box by clicking on "Comments" for the blog post. It is located in the footer - at the end of the post for my blog. Sometimes you will find the comment link right after the Title.
Next in Series: How to Subscribe to a Blog Using RSS:
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