Real Connect San Francisco - Connect Duets Provide Compelling Content
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Recap of Real Connect San Francisco 2007

Realconnectsf2007_2 What an amazing experience Bloggers Connect and Real Connect 2007 in San Francisco was!  I posted my 25 Top Tips & Best Ideas About Blogging on my Active Rain Blog.  I invite you to check out what I gleaned as the best comments from the panelists and experts at Connect.

Here are key highlights from Real Connect 2007 for me:

  • The conference answered the questions: What is Web 2.0, social networking and media, and blogging?  Why do we need it and how to integrate it into our companies and business models.  The event was also about networking and meeting peers, industry leaders and technology innovators.
  • Brad Inman - the host, good interviewer - asked the tough questions.  His opening and closing remarks spoke to the interesting blend of two themes in our industry right now...The overall dismal market, mortgage industry dealing with the sub-prime fiasco and the buzz and excitement around the emerging technologies and the companies adapting to it as well as bringing these tech services to the consumer and broker/agents.
  • For a great anecdote about how the generations interact & communicate differently (and a great, simple explanation of why it's critical to understand the changing web, social networks and blogging) - read this post from Brad Inman about the young innovators and "New Kids on the Block"
  • Technology in action: people texting their questions to the moderator during the various panel discussions.
  • Connect Duets provided intriguing matchups of industry leaders.  See related post.
  • Hugh MacLeod of gapingvoid delivered a very direct and entertaining keynote address about Web 2.0.  His thesis:  Web 2.0 has it's roots circa 1917 with anthropologist BronisÅ‚aw Malinowski.  The intriguing point - it's all about "social objects".  Here's a good review of Hugh's Keynote from Matt Carter on Inman News
  • Check out my San Francisco Pictures at Flickr
  • The Palace Hotel - historical, grand, perfect location!

