How to Subscribe to a Blog Using RSS
How to Find Your Blog Voice

Top 15 Tips for Blogging

Bloggingrequiresauthority_3 1. Choose a topic you are passionate about! Clearly define your core topics and focus for your blog and stick to those subjects.
2. Find your voice.  Be transparent and authentic.  Write in a human voice.  Invite a dialogue.  Be clear, concise and conversational.
3. Keep it Local!  Write about your neighborhoods, local market, what customers/consumers want to know about.
4. Write for the audience you want to have.  Know your audience.
5. Write your blog posts for web readers. Scanable, white space, shorter is better, package the content (lists, top 10…), use bullets and graphics.
6. Adopt a mindset and awareness of how your experiences, questions from clients and comments on your blog can translate to content for compelling posts. Many of your posts when sanitized and timeless can build a library and knowledge base.  Consumers and prospects will be able to find you via keyword searches for the topics you've written about.  Also, you can send a link to a post you've already written when a new client has the same question or concern.
7. For search engine optimization - use relevant key words in post titles, tags/categories and the body of the post. Post frequently 3-5 x week.
8. Use interesting pictures and images in your blog posts.  Your own photos, Flickr, research various sites to purchase stock photos.  Remember to name your picture files and use the alt tag and description feature of your blog software for further SEO help.
9. Link, link, link!  Link to other bloggers, sources, websites.  Post comments on other blogs.
10. Persistence and perseverance!  Keep at it.  Audiences take time to build.
11. Don't force it - wait until you have something to say.  Quality not quantity.
12. Clearly display your call to action on your blog.  MLS Search, contact form, CMA, for example.
13. Read other blogs and comment.  Participate in the community.  Join Active Rain!
14. Use a schedule as a commitment for what topic to write about on certain days.  Zenhabits is a great example of this idea in action.
15. Blogging is not for everyone!  It is a commitment - your time primarily.  Before you start blogging...Ask yourself if you enjoy writing and are willing to be yourself, be transparent and let your voice be the world?
