How to Easily Use Video and Multimedia to Market your Listings and You!
Monday, November 12, 2007
For Real Estate Professionals, there are a variety of video services to promote your listings, your services, create client testimonials, educate your clients, and more. Use your own digital photos to create video tours of properties or commercials - $125/year, unlimited use, easy to use The next generation in custom virtual tours and webmercials from local real estate professional Steve Matthews. Full service internet video solution provider Put your place on the map - users can upload video, send us video tapes for upload, or hire a videographer Use your own video camera or hire someone to do it for you and post one YouTube. You can embed the video in your blog Another site to upload and display your videos, video search engine A free service to host your video show or series - for those more serious videobloggers Upload and share your videos online A free service that provides a single point for deploying uploads to the top video sharing sites, and powerful analytics on who, what, and how videos are being viewed. Free service to make your own slideshows and share online A service to post and share presentations and embed them in your blog/website