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December 2007

Real Estate Affirmations for a Successful Career

Here are some real estate affirmations to consider adopting or adapting as desired and applicable for you individually: 1. Success Keys: I must think successful and act successful to be successful! 2. Professional Value: The real estate commissions I receive are not just a reward for having a real estate license; they are payment for providing valuable professional services. 3. Real Work: I do not avoid difficult tasks and uncomfortable situations. I get paid well for doing the things that unsuccessful people won’t do or can’t do. 4. Enthusiasm and Confidence: I do not think, talk or act negatively about... Read more →

3 Steps to Creating a Real Estate Business Plan

It's that time again - time to manifest your success for a Great Year! It all starts by writing your goals or desired outcomes, creating a written business plan and updating/revising your business budget then measuring and tracking your results. Step 1 - Set Your Goals (Outcomes). For a review of how to set powerful goals - here are three blog posts from earlier in 2007: How to Write Powerful Goals, Part 1 How to Write Powerful Goals, Part 2 5 Principles of Success Now, download this document and start writing your outcomes/goals: Download Keys-to-an-Achievable-Outcome.pdf Step 2 - Create Your... Read more →

Understanding the Las Vegas Real Estate Market

Educate Yourself and Your Clients About the Las Vegas Real Estate Market. Adjusting to the real estate market is critical to a successful real estate business. Now more than ever it is essential to stay informed and updated on the trends, statisitics and historical data impacting our real estate market. Have you updated your Listing and Buyer Presentations with this critical information? Are you comfortable explaining the real estate market and helping your seller price their property to sell? Current supply and demand clearly shows that active listing inventory is approximately 14% overpriced on average - educating real estate agents... Read more →

Jan O'Brien - Real Estate Coach honored as a Top 50 Real Estate Marketing Blog

International Listings has included this blog in their recent Top 50 Real Estate Marketing Blogs article! It's quite an honor and exciting to be included on the list of many notable real estate blogs - several I read and subscribe to. International Listings is a unique online classifed advertisement site for luxury listings. The two website owners - Andy Hagan and Brian Thibault - offer an online venue to expose your luxury listings to an international audience and over 20,000 visitors monthly. Read more →

Thriving in the Las Vegas Real Estate Market - Seminar Notes

On December 5, 2007, I conducted a seminar with Matthew Hardy of REST - real estate software I use and highly recommend! The seminar was entitled "How to Thrive in the Current Real Estate Market". If you are interested in the outline and links to resources and other materials - just go to the REST-Event link at - How To Thrive in the Current Real Estate Market. Matthew and I reviewed key lessons and business applications of 4 excellent books: E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber You Can't Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar by David... Read more →