Wakeup Call for Us All... the Susan Boyle Phenomenon
Monday, April 27, 2009
Here is the link on YouTube:
If you haven't, do yourself a favor and take the 7:07 minutes to watch it all - amazing, brilliant, uplifting, emotional, a true wake-up call and lesson for us all to take that chance and to not let anything or anyone hold you back.
Notice the immediate and overwhelming positive reaction by the audience and judges when she begins to sing. You can't help being moved watching it on the video - it's that impactful. Listen to the comments and feedback by Simon Cowell and the other judges. Susan represents that everyman and woman - it struck a collective nerve.
I think we all really need and crave this type pf positive, viral, good news! Which explains why this story has had so much world-wide press and views on YouTube (over 46 million views so far). We are all being bombarded daily with so much negativeness, stress, anxiety, bad news. It's everywhere and unfortunately for many it is easy to perpetuate the negative mindset and get stuck in this trap. Just watch the news, listen to people in your office, your clients, your friends and family members. How often are we sharing positive news, stories and attitudes?
I truly believe we can change this "global funk" one person at a time. It starts with me and you.
What are you doing today to move towards what you desire?
How are you making adjustment to your business plan and activities to take advantage of the opportunities in the market?
Have you embraced Short Sales yet - are you fully educated on the process and how you can benefit from adding this to your toolkit? Or are you talking about how terrible they are and whining about the reality of the market?
Have you signed up for the next Certified Short-Sale Professional designation course? May 1st is SOLD Out - June 5th is the next date.
Visit Steve Kitnick's website at www.NevadaCE.com to register today.
Some of my strategies and daily decisions that help me maintain a positive mindset:
- Seek out positve, like-minded people
- Share good news - no gossip!
- Laugh more
- Exercise and eat as healthy as I can
- Read more - watch less TV (especially the news)
- Journal - write - blog
- Get outside and enjoy nature
- Listen to inspiring and uplifting music
Here is a pretty interesting Slideshow I can across today on the Internet...
Economic Crisis Affects American Well Being
View more presentations from Taly Weiss.
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