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January 2010

Bank of America Signs on for HAMP Second Lien Program

I was pleasantly surprised last Friday when I was reviewing the Making Home Affordable website for our Certified Short Sale Professional designation training. I noticed that Bank of America and Countrywide are now on the list of servicers who have have formalized their commitment to the program through a signed contract. Recommended steps for homeowner to see if HAMP is a viable alternative to foreclosure: Complete the quick online form on the eligibility page of Making Home Affordable Determine if your lender is participating in HAMP by either looking them up on this page: AND calling your lender... Read more →

Have you noticed a lot of recent press criticizing the HAMP program as short-sighted and delaying the inevitable onslaught of more foreclosures? The underlying theme is pointing to "negative equity" as a primary factor for homeowners "strategically defaulting" - ultimately deciding to let their home go to foreclosure or short sale. Read more →

According to GLVAR, sales of existing homes in Las Vegas were up 64% in 2009. GLVAR reported 46,879 local housing sales in 2009. That represents a huge spike from 28,618 total sales in 2008 and trails only the 71,963 homes sold during the record year of 2004. The increasing sales continue to be driven by low prices. GLVAR reports that the average single family home sold in the area in December 2008 was $204,000 in December 2008. By December of 2009, that number had fallen to $165,000. Read more →

Best Lifehacks of 2009: The Year in Review - Personal Productivity and Creativity Excerpt posted this Best of 2009 - I am highlighting the Productivity and GTD links in this post. Read the full blog post at Read more →

FREE Virtual RE BarCamp is 1-4-10; Social Media & Tech All Day Mega-Webinar

I attended the first amazing REBarcamp in San Francisco, August 2008 - held prior to the Inman Connect. REBarcamp is now Virtual and still FREE and it's TOMORROW - January 4, 2010. If you want to seriously get a jump start on how to integrate Social Media into your Real Estate Business --- sign up now! Educating Real Estate Agents On How To Use Modern Technologies To Better Their Business Will Never Be The Same! On January 4th, 2010 dozens of the most respected educators in the real estate industry converge to host most exciting event of its kind, the... Read more →