Las Vegas Short Sales - 7 Reasons Why You Should Work with an Agent-Friendly Attorney
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Guest Blogger, Steven Kitnick provides these seven considerations for working with a REALTOR-friendly attorney who has experience with the Las Vegas Short Sale Process.
1) A distressed homeowner should speak to an attorney before you list their property so the homeowner may review their options, and so you’re not liable for what they choose to do.
2) When you take on a client who is in financial distress you may have a higher standard of care to protect their best interests.
3) An attorney allows clients full protection and representation.
4) An attorney may gain more leverage over lienholders during the negotiation process.
5) If your clients have assets &/or future or current income, an attorney can offer guidance about exposure to collection attorneys &/or tax authorities.
6) An agent-friendly attorney will aggressively negotiate for your full commission.
7) If you’re negotiating your own short sales you’ll likely limit the number of transactions you can close per month. By using an attorney you leverage your workload, there’s no limit to the number of deals you can close per month.
Steven Kitnick, CFAC, CSP, CNE, GRI, RRG
Managing Director, Steven Kitnick Seminars, LLC
Continuing Education Instructor & Author
Nevada Real Estate Broker/Salesman & California Real Estate Broker
Legal Assistant – Stout Law Firm
Steve can be reached at [email protected] or by calling (702) 326-8722.
Las Vegas area Real Estate Professionals...
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Las Vegas Short Sale Training
Certified Foreclosure Alternatives Consultant℠
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Trainers: Jan O'Brien, Steven Kitnick, & Attorney Robert Noggle
Wednesday, April 20th, 2011 | 9am to 4pm includes Lunch
Location: iMortgage 9139 W. Russell Rd., #100, Las Vegas, NV 89148
Just West of the 215 Beltway at W. Russell Rd. in the Desert Canyon Business Park ~
Look for the Johnson, Jacobson, Wilcox Building ~ entrance on west side of bldg.
From 215 Beltway exit Russell Rd., take Jerry Tarkanian Way to W. Oquendo Rd
$109 (Reg. $229 ~ Save $120) Register ONLINE Now or call (702) 255-8722
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