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March 2012

Bank of America to Refine Short Sale Process; Introduces 2 Required Documents

Bank of America has announced changes to the Short Sale Process to begin April 14 to improve the task flow in Equator and processing times. The new Bank of America short sale process will enable short sale specialists to complete tasks such as document collection, valuations and underwriting at the same time, reducing the time from initiation to closing. Before April 13, you must complete the Submit Short Sale Offer, Upload Offer Documents and Upload Supporting Documents tasks in Equator for all short sales submitted with an offer. Your file may be declined if these tasks are not completed prior... Read more →

In his article, "The Magic of Doing One Thing at A Time", author Tony Schwartz is spot on summing up the reality of today's world of instant communication and gratification where we never seem to stop, unplug or slow down. We all seem to be handling so much more these days. Maybe it's just me... but time seems to be speeding up and there is always more things on the to do list then what I actually checked off as completed. I found these three recommendations to be incredibly insightful and ones that I am integrating into my daily routine...... Read more →