No Excuses Celebrates 9 Years as Mastermind Group
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Joining or starting a Mastermind Group is a powerful, creative and supportive strategy to implement for your business and personal development.
One such group is a powerful Mastermind success story for five Las Vegas Realtors whose group "No Excuses" meets every Wednesday without fail. No Excuses founders Mark Sivek and Linda Stegall started the group in 2004. Three other Realty ONE Group real estate agents round out the group of five: Joan Brooks, Lori Wayne and Susan Brock. No Excuses' mission statement is local agents supporting local businesses and the Las Vegas economy.
The group meets every Wednesday to either preview their listings, tour real estate projects or developments, attend a real estate training course or event and support a local business (coffee shop, restaurant). Each week one of the members takes the lead to plan and facilitate the tour and agenda.
No Excuses epitomizes the power of the Mastermind and the members reap the benefits including:
- Mutual support of each other (emotionally, personally, and professionally)
- Sharing of ideas, information and experiences
- Continuous self-education
- Discussion on meaningful topics and challenges
- Accountability
How can you get started? Contact any member of No Excuses for feedback (no, they are not considering additional members!). Just click on the links above to their individual websites for contact info.
Just Do It! Find some like-minded, committed individuals and meet. Take the initiative and personal responsibility and you will soon enjoy the rewards of the master mind.
Read my original blog posts from 2007 featuring No Excuses and MasterMind Groups:
Mastermind Groups Part 1: What and Why?
Mastermind Groups Part 2: Who and How?
Visit to learn more about our coaching program and online training membership options. Your FREE, basic membership includes a complete real estate business-planning course and downloads.
"No Excuses" at a recent panel discussion on High Rise hosted by WCR at Trump Tower.