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December 2013

As another year comes to a close and we take some time to reflect, refocus and retool for the new year... I encourage everyone to "Level Up" ... credit to Kuba for this turn of phrase:) What follows is a potpourri of ideas, posts, exercises to assist you on your journey to Leveling Up in 2014! I saw this on the Holstee Manifesto blog and just loved the simplicity of it: If you’d like to reflect on the year with us, here are some suggestions: writing a simple timeline from January to December to list major events month by month,... Read more →

Cultivating and Practicing Gratitude

Today, I am grateful for..... A powerful and simple daily practice to help us stay in the present moment, be mindful and happy is to ask and answer this question at the end of each day. Practicing gratitude daily creates awareness and appreciation for what we do have. It gives us perspective. Taking it a step further... record it daily in a journal or your calendar. For you mobile device lovers...there are plenty of APPS for that! Just search journal, diary in the APP store. Here are two I recommend checking out: Journal for Evernote Day One Here some other... Read more →