Cultivating and Practicing Gratitude
2013 Year in Review - News, Search, Videos, Movies, Music

Happy New Year...Level Up in 2014!

As another year comes to a close and we take some time to reflect, refocus and retool for the new year... I encourage everyone to "Level Up" ... credit to Kuba for this turn of phrase:)

What follows is a potpourri of ideas, posts, exercises to assist you on your journey to Leveling Up in 2014!


I saw this on the Holstee Manifesto blog and just loved the simplicity of it:

If you’d like to reflect on the year with us, here are some suggestions: writing a simple timeline from January to December to list major events month by month, looking through your calendars, notebooks, journals, and photos or even using your social media profiles to help bring memories back.

The Holstee team also shared this excellent exercise that I am definitely doing for 2014:

Ask yourself and answer these 3 questions:

  1. what you would like to start doing in 2014
  2. what you’d like to stop doing
  3. what you’d like to continue doing

Thanks to my sister Loreen O'Brien for creating this cool worksheet:
Download Start Stop Continue

Find Clarity and Set Powerful Outcomes... Not Resolutions!

"Clarity accounts for probably 80% of success and happiness. Lack of clarity is probably more responsible for frustration and underachievement than any other single factor.  Your success in life will be largely determined by how clear you are about what it is you really, really want."  - Brian Tracy

The main reason most resolutions don’t work is that they focus on only one area of your life - the DO level. Many of us are living life with the focus on DO-HAVE-BE.  “I will DO this thing.” (Lose weight) “So I can HAVE this other thing” (Self-Esteem) and I can BE this thing. (Confident.)

The average New Year’s Resolution doesn’t tackle the core of the issue – the “BE” level.

The best method for creating positive changes in your life is to understand and use the BE - DO - HAVE model.  When you begin changing on the BE level of your life, then the DO level and the HAVE level follow more easily.

Read the entire blog post here and take action:

Why Resolutions Don't Work-How to Celebrate Your Successess..Then Set Outcomes 



Create Your Real Estate Business Plan for 2014!

Are you ready, willing and  able to join the success group (the less  than 20%) who actually complete a written business plan?  Are you willing to  do the opposite of what the masses  usually do and achieve your desired  outcomes?  Start today by following these 3 Steps to  Business Planning and Take  Action!

The Real Estate Agent Business Plan – 3 Steps to Success 

Articles on Goal Setting, Productivity and Mindset:


 Happy New Year to All!  Best wishes for an amazing, abundant and healthy 2014!


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