Short Sale Certification Course - CFAC Designation - April 18, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Certified Foreclosure Alternatives Consultant℠
CE.5094000-RE 7Hrs. General
(This course approved by the Nevada Real Estate Commission for continuing education credit)
Course is Nevada-specific ~ taught by Local Authors & Trainers! Jan O'Brien, Steven Kitnick
Next CFAC Class:
Friday, April 18, 2014, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Lunch Included
8363 W. Sunset Rd #350, Las Vegas, NV 89148
215 & Durango. Just 2 blocks east of S Durango. Take Gagnier Blvd south tot he 8363 Building which faces the 215
Investment: $99 if you pay before April 16th - Otherwise, $129.00
No other classes, costs, or fees!
You do not need a real estate license or belong to any association or organization!
Pre-Register Today! ~ Seating is Limited to 28 Attendees! Filling Up Fast!
Register ONLINE Now or call (702) 255-8722
Get answers to these questions and more.....
- Is a short sale the answer to your client’s situation?
- What liability will you incur if you recommend a short sale without exploring alternatives?
- What are the alternatives to foreclosure?
- Why should you partner with attorneys, CPA’s and other trusted advisors?
- How do you reduce the potential risk and legal liability when processing and negotiating a short sale?
- What are the options for negotiating a short sale? Who can legally do it?
Once you complete the Certified Foreclosure Alternatives Consultant Designation Course, you’ll be a trained consultant who understands the alternatives to foreclosure with an emphasis on the short sale process.
Course content includes:
- Using the Educational / Consultative Approach
- Advanced Communication & Negotiation Techniques
- Current Market Trends
- Nevda Foreclosure Mediation Program
- Options for Remaining in the Home
- Options to Sell or Give Up the Property
- A Complete Short Sale Listing System
- Effectively Working With Short Sale Buyers
- Loss Mitigation and Servicer Processing Tips
- How to Reduce Your Risk & Liability in Today’s Market
- Legal & Tax Ramifications for the Short Sale Seller
Visit to learn more about our coaching program and online training membership options. Your FREE, basic membership includes a complete real estate business-planning course and downloads.