Meditation and Mindfulness for Busy People
How to Stop and Celebrate Your Successes!

Why Resolutions Don't Work and A Model That Does

I have never been a fan of New Year's Resolutions.  Statistics show that about 50% of Americans don’t set resolutions in the first place and less than 10% of those who set resolutions keep them.  

The main reason most resolutions don’t work is that they focus on only one area of your life - the DO level. Many of us are living life with the focus on DO-HAVE-BE.  “I will DO this thing.” (Lose weight) “So I can HAVE this other thing” (Self-Esteem) and I can BE this thing. (Confident).

Most of us are action-oriented, and evaluate ourselves by how much we are doing, producing, and achieving. We have to-do lists, goals, resolutions and lots of "shoulds." We like to place priority on problem solving and accomplishing tasks (do), so that we can gain some sort of outcome (have), and then be something or someone in the world.

The average New Year’s resolution doesn’t tackle the core of the issue – the “BE” level.

The best method for creating positive changes in your life is to understand and use the BE - DO - HAVE model.  When you begin changing on the BE level of your life, then the DO level and the HAVE level follow more easily.


Rather than focusing first on the action and the "Do," start with who am I and what’s important to me, or the BE.  While it is important to create structure, accountability, and action steps, how often do we take a step back and ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing?  

You've got to be crystal clear about WHY you want something.  When you are setting your goals make sure to ask yourself the critical question:  Why it is important to you?  Is the goal for you?  Is it your burning desire to achieve it?  Or is it someone else's wish for you? 

How clear we are about our “why” has a huge impact on our levels of commitment, engagement, and satisfaction with the experience. 

A Definite purpose backed by a burning desire (CLARITY) + Taking the appropriate (ACTION) = Your desired (OUTCOME) 

Read these posts for more information on affirmations, setting goals and achievable outcomes:

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