5 Keys to Creating Success in Your Life or Work
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Here are five simple steps to follow that will positively impact your life and career, support any desired changes and move you toward achieving your outcomes.
1. Have a Plan. Know Your Desired Outcomes. Commit to a written Business or Life Plan with clearly defined, vibrant goals. Make your goals S.M.A.R.T.
S Specific; Simple
M Measurable; Meaningful to You
A As if Now; Achievable; All areas of your life
R Realistic; Responsible/Ecological
T Timeframe; Toward What You Want
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2. Take Action. Be willing to do what it takes to accomplish your outcome. Create a Success Action Plan that outlines the action steps to move you toward your desired outcome. Be flexible. The Law of Requisite Variety states that the person or system with the most flexibility of behavior will control the system.
3. Measure & Track Your Results. Be accountable! You can’t improve what you don’t measure. Identify the method for determining achievement of your goal/outcome and track your progress. An excellent tracking system will allow you to make necessary course corrections and adjustments as well as gage your overall success.
4. Be Open to Change. Operate from a Physiology and Psychology of Excellence. Be in control of your mindset(attitude). Choose to be in a powerful, positive state. Take Personal Responsibility for your actions. Be on the Cause side of the Equation –not the Effect side. Be aware of your constitution, health and physical well-being. Ingest healthy, nutritious foods that uplift you and give you energy.
5. Ask for Help! Find someone – a mentor, coach, consultant, expert, professional – to assist you in reaching your desired outcome. The right person can offer a third party perspective; provide necessary guidance, accountability and expertise. Find an accountability partner or form a mastermind group to support each others goals and commitments.
- “Perception is Projection”
- “To Think is to Create” and "Thoughts are things"
- "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
Ask yourself this question often: “What am I focusing on right now?” “Am I focusing on what I want or what I don’t want?”
To maintain consistent results:
- Choose the “cause” side of the equation - be the victor not the victim - take personal responsibility for your actions
- Focus on what you want (not on what you don't want)
- Take appropriate action toward your desired outcome
To enjoy lasting change and success... all you need is the....
Desire to change
Decision to take action
Discipline to practice new behaviors
Determination to persist until you get results
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