How to Build a Real Estate Team - 12 Power Tips for Teams and Brokers
Call Your Clients on Important Dates (Birthdays, Home Anniversaries)

The Power of Hand-Written Personal Notes

When was the last time you received a personal, hand-written note in the mail?  If you are like me, you still have it! Writing personal notes is one of the most impactful and least expensive ways to connect to people and grow your business.

Here are the top reasons why you should include writing personal notes as a daily success strategy for your business:

  1. Personal Notes are always opened and read
  2. They leave a lasting impact
  3. Personal, written note cards can make someone's day
  4. They help you build and deepen the quality of your connections and relationships
  5. Personal notes make you really stand out from your competition


Who do you write notes to and when:

  • Write notes to current and past clients and your database
  • Family and friends
  • Send notes to vendors and other business partners
  • Send a personal note for birthdays and anniversaries
  • Send a thank you note to show gratitude and appreciation to someone for something they did or that impacted you
  • Want to meet someone or connect with an influencer/mentor - try a hand-written note!
  • A personal hand written note should follow every call, even when only leaving a message
  • After a meeting or event
  • After receiving a referral (not when you get the deal:)
  • Before, during or after a transaction

A common excuse people give for why they don't write personal notes is “my handwriting is too sloppy” or "I don't know what to say".  Taking the time to send a note is a thoughtful and personalized way to show others how important they are to you.

Our recommendations on how to implement this powerful practice and get the best results:

  • Write the note in the moment - immediately after the interaction or when the feeling
  • Keep it simple and to the point
  • Use a blank card so you can hand write a personal message
  • Always have a supply of blank note cards, envelopes and stamps on hand
  • Consider using colored ink (not black) so it is obvious that it was hand written
  • Hand address the envelope with both the destination address and return address
  • Use a stamp that draws attention

Commit to writing and mailing at least 1 note every day!



Developed with all Agents in mind, the Wanderers’ Club refocuses activities toward revenue creating action.


  • Daily Social Media Posts (WBNL 365)
  • Online, On-Demand WBNL Courses
  • Two Training Workshops (monthly and on-demand)
  • Monthly marketing material to send to your database
  • WBNL 52 - Weekly coaching and business tips
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Special discounted pricing on WBNL events and products

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