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The Six C's of Lead Generation & Conversion




In this Reach Your Peak segment of the WBNL Podcast, we discuss the six C’s for lead generation and conversion. We have been discussing ways to build your database and email marketing lists – Create leads.  So, it’s time to revisit these critical business tips and strategies so you can capture, connect, cultivate, convert, and close more leads.  Then add more happy people to your past client database and communicate consistently for repeat and referral business.

These are the six C’s for lead generation and conversion:

  1. Create
  2. Capture
  3. Connect
  4. Cultivate
  5. Close
  6. Communicate



The first C is to Create your lead generation opportunities.  We highly recommend these three essential tools for lead generation:

  1. Website or landing page with IDX home search.
  2. Personalized mobile home search app.
  3. Landing page or solution for generating automatic home value reports.

What are your other tactics and strategies for generating leads? Module 6 of our CYRB Course for a ton of information and ideas on Marketing, Advertising and Lead Generation.

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After developing a solid online and offline marketing plan to drive traffic and leads, ensure you have lead capture forms and compelling calls to action (CTA) on your websites and landing pages.  A great CTA will provide something that the consumer finds valuable in exchange for providing their contact information.  Primary examples include:

  • IDX home search account
  • Relocation guide
  • Automated Home Value / What is My Home Worth report
  • Buying & Selling Reports
  • Hot Properties List
  • Foreclosure or Short Sale Lists

Do you have a clear Call to Action (CTA) on ALL of your prospecting & marketing material?

  • Business Cards
  • Email Signature
  • voice Mail Message
  • Flyers and postcards
  • Farming materials
  • Social media ads
  • Print advertising
  • Online ads


An immediate response (less than 10 mins) dramatically increases your chances of converting that lead. Establish rapport and qualify the prospect to determine their needs, time-frame, and motivation on this initial call.  Then you can determine what action plan to assign to them for follow-up.

Consider using a separate phone number or a Google Voice number for all of your advertising and lead generation.  If it’s a number you are forwarding to your primary cell phone, then make sure to give it a unique ring tone and name to distinguish it from other calls.

Most lead generation systems have text and/or email alerts features which will also aid you in a quick response time.  Create an initial 10-14 day consistent connection plan – goal is to get the prospect to respond, to connect with you so you can qualify.  Use a multi-type touch campaign

  • Call
  • Text
  • Email
  • DM on social media
  • Video text and email

Finally, set the expectations with your existing clients that you stand apart from many agents because you actually answer your phone! That means when you are showing property or at a listing appointment, you answer the “AD line” and use a simple script to acknowledge the caller and confirm a time to reconnect with them.

 “Hi, this is ___________, with _____________. Thanks so much for calling. I am actually with a client right now showing homes but wanted to be able to take your call.  May I call you back at this  number in _________ minutes or at _______?”


You must have a solid CRM solution in place with automated, drip email campaigns and scheduled follow-up phone calls/texts for nurturing the relationship.  Statistics show that 90% of buyers start their home search online 6-12 months before they actually purchase.

Drip email campaigns are not enough to develop that relationship, however.  Mix it up with text, video emails, and phone calls to follow up with your leads.


Always be Connecting and Closing!

  • Use the visitor search profile information on your website
  • Refine searches – set your prospect up on a property watch-type automatic email either from your website or MLS
  • Close for appointments when you do connect


Once you have completed a successful transaction, stay connected with your past clients to build that client for life!

  • Client for life email campaigns
  • Include “Ask for referral” call to action in all correspondence
    • Newsletters
    • Holiday letters
    • Market condition reports
  • Call your past clients 3-4 times/year.  Ask for referrals – “Who do you know…”  “Who is the next person you know who may be interested in buying or selling real estate in our community?’

Remember, it’s a process.  Set aside time each day to connect and follow-up with your leads and database.  Find the balance between working IN your business and ON Your Business!!


WBNL Coaching recommends, uses and endorses these CRM+ solutions:

Top ProducerTo learn more about Top Producer 8i Suite of Tools, contact:
Colin Burton | Top Producer
[email protected]
Direct:  888-547-5331 Mobile: 

Lion Desk - auto-marketing campaigns with email, text and Video text/emails 
