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Social Media Refresh for Your Business




When is the last time you updated your social media or any online profile?  It’s a new year and a new decade, maybe it’s time to give your profiles a fresh look and feel?!

  1. Branded Cover Photo – use the right image size for that network. See the chart for correct image sizes for all networks.

  2. New Profile Photo – go get a new headshot if you haven’t done so in a while … or a decade J
    Use the same photo on all platforms for consistency with branding
  • Facebook profile picture: 170 X 170 pixels
  • Facebook cover photo: 828 X 465 pixels
  • Twitter profile photo: 400 X 400 pixels
  • Twitter header image: 1,500 X 500 pixels
  • Google+ profile picture: 250 X 250 pixels (minimum)
  • Google+ cover photo: 1080 X 608 pixels
  • LinkedIn profile photo: 400 X 400 pixels (minimum)
  • LinkedIn custom background: 1584 X 396
  • LinkedIn cover photo: 974 X 330 pixels
  • LinkedIn banner image: 646 X 220 pixels
  • Instagram profile picture: 110 X 110 pixels
  • Pinterest profile picture: 150 X 150 pixels
  • YouTube profile picture: 800 X 800 pixels
  • YouTube cover photo: 2,560 X 1,440 pixels on desktop


  1. Update your Bio or About Me Make this interesting and relatable.

  2. Use consistent handles – your @name
    If available, use your name if a solopreneur across all platforms.  For example, you can find me @jan.obrien on Facebook, @janobrien on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn

  3. Include a Call to Action. Include a website link, phone number or something of value to drive viewers to your site or landing page.

  4. Complete all available fields on all relevant platforms for you
    1. Linkedin All-Star Profile – Episode 54
    2. Real estate sites like Zillow,,
    3. Google my Business
    4. Yelp – check out Episode 8 –
  1. Preview on mobile. Your Facebook or Linkedin cover image may look great on a desktop but not on a mobile device.   So always preview on mobile before selecting the final version for your cover images.

  2. Untag yourself from inappropriate or unflattering photos or posts
    1. Check your tag settings and Review your tags regularly
    2. For most social media platforms you can do some of the following:
  • See where you’ve been tagged
  • See who can see your tagged photos and posts
  • Approve photos you’ve been tagged in before they appear
  • Remove tags from unwanted photos and posts
  • Restrict who can tag you in photos
  1. Use a content calendar.
    Episode 94,  Free template download

A content marketing calendar will help you map all of your marketing/ promotional campaigns and your social media plan for the year. You can also use the calendar to collect your thoughts and ideas for future posts, campaigns, and marketing ideas to develop.

It’s a great idea to refresh and amplify your messages and goals on a consistent basis. Consider refreshing your page seasonally or even monthly if it aligns with your marketing efforts. Social Media account should be engaging for users.
