57 posts categorized "Blogging for Business" Feed

New Location for Real Estate Blogging 101 CE Class

We have a new location for the upcoming Real Estate Blogging 101 classes in Las Vegas. Download BlogClassFlyer_2008.pdf Countrywide 7660 Dean Martin Drive Suite 201E Las Vegas, NV 89139 View Larger Map Class Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm Wednesday, July 30, 2008 Wednesday, October 1, 2008 Cost: $45 in advance; $55 at the door Register online at www.CareerRealty.com Instructors: Jan O’Brien 858-9191, www.JanOBrien.com Kathryn Bovard 348-7191, www.KathrynBovard.com Three hour (CE Approved) training seminar covering … o The State of the Internet – Stats – Trends – History o Blogging 101 o What is a Blog? Who Is Blogging? Why should... Read more →

Interview on Blog Fiesta

Thanks to Todd Carpenter for including me in his rotation of Blogger Spotlights. He recently interviewed me for his Blog Fiesta. Todd has compiled a wide array of interviews with a focus on other real estate and mortgage bloggers. Blog Fiesta also provides some great tools and links for bloggers. Check out these valuable resources: Great Posts About Blogging Blog Building Basics Read more →

Resources & Links for New Bloggers

Here's a compilation of resources, blogs and links I have found useful for prospective and new bloggers: From ProBlogger... Blogging Tips for Beginners 23 Questions for Prospective Bloggers - Is a blog Right for You? Essential books for Blogger First Site Guide - Learn Blogging From Bootstrapper... The Business Blogging Toolset: 100 Resources for Entrepreneur-Writers Blogging Basics 1010 Read more →

Real Estate Blogging 101 Class Schedule for Las Vegas

Kathryn Bovard and I have scheduled three additional dates for our "Real Estate Blogging 101" Continuing Education Class: Class Time: 1:00 to 4:00 pm Wednesday, June 4, 2008 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 Wednesday, October 1, 2008 Classes are held at Equity Title Training Center (Flamingo/Tenaya). The cost: $45 (advance) / $55 (at the door). Register for an upcoming class at: CareerRealty.com The class will cover the basics of blogging, benefits of a business blog, web 2.0, legal issues, the anatomy of a blog, tops tips for blogging, and much more. All attendees will receive a Wordpress.com Tutorial outlining step-by-step instructions... Read more →

Lists of Real Estate Blogs and Resources

If you are searching for lists and links to real estate blogs - everything from real estate agent bloggers to real estate marketing, industry and news - here are some resources I've bookmarked for future reference: Bloodhound Blog maintains this potentially canonical list of real estate weblogs. Todd Carpenter of Lenderama and Blog Fiesta created REMBEX, a customized Google search of a thousand+ real estate blogs You can also add the Rembex search engine as a widget for your blog. See my sidebar for an example - just scroll down to right above the list of blog directories. Don't forget... Read more →

Top 12 Real Estate Marketing & Industry Blogs

This is my current list of the best blogs covering the real estate industry, blogging, marketing, technology and news... in no particular order - they are all great! Transparent Real Estate - Pat Kitano blogs on real estate industry and technology issues. The Real Estate Tomato - Jim Cronin's blog is packed with blogging tips, advice and strategies. RE Tomato also builds custom real estate blogs. The Future of Real Estate Marketing - Joel Burslem and contributors blog on real estate web 2.0 and marketing. Bloodhound Blog - Greg Swann leads the way with this popular, collaborative, cutting-edge blog on... Read more →

Real Estate Online Marketing Tips - Consider Joining These 3 Social Networks

Social networks, social bookmarking, Web 2.0, social media, blogging, wikis ... there's a lot to keep up with these days in terms of internet and online marketing strategies. Here are 3 social networks I recommend joining to enhance your online presence, business networking and overall marketing plan. Active Rain - The largest real estate networking and blogging site for professionals. Membership continues to grow at a record pace - as of today there are 77,952 AR members. My blog posts on AR come up in Google keyword searches faster and higher than on this blog! Check out these posts from... Read more →

I'm Back....and ready to continue blogging on all things real estate, blogging and more

OK, after a 2 month hiatus from blogging at The Real Estate Coach - I'm back and ready to get back to work and fun. I've been a little preoccupied at my day job - I recently became the General Manager for Prudential Americana Group, Realtors in Las Vegas. We are a locally-owned and operated brokerage with 6 branches located throughout the Las Vegas valley. I have been getting my blogging fix, however, by creating a recruiting blog/website for those interested in a career in real estate or considering a move to our company. You can check it out at... Read more →

Real Estate Blogging 101 CE Class Schedule for 1st Qtr 2008

Attention Las Vegas Real Estate Agents, Mortgage Lenders, Escrow Officers and Small Business Owners.... Kathryn Bovard and I teach a 3 hour continuing education (PD) class approved by the Nevada Real Estate Commission entitled "Real Estate Blogging 101 - How the Internet is Changing Business". We've got two classes scheduled for 1st quarter 2008: Wednesday, January 30th, 1:30 to 4:30 pm Wednesday,March 26th, 1:00 to 4:00 pm The classes are held in at the Equity Title Training Facility (4035 S Tenaya). The cost is $45 in advance or $55 at the door. This course is designed as an introduction to... Read more →

Jan O'Brien - Real Estate Coach honored as a Top 50 Real Estate Marketing Blog

International Listings has included this blog in their recent Top 50 Real Estate Marketing Blogs article! It's quite an honor and exciting to be included on the list of many notable real estate blogs - several I read and subscribe to. International Listings is a unique online classifed advertisement site for luxury listings. The two website owners - Andy Hagan and Brian Thibault - offer an online venue to expose your luxury listings to an international audience and over 20,000 visitors monthly. Read more →

How to Easily Use Video and Multimedia to Market your Listings and You!

For Real Estate Professionals, there are a variety of video services to promote your listings, your services, create client testimonials, educate your clients, and more. RealEstateShows.com Use your own digital photos to create video tours of properties or commercials - $125/year, unlimited use, easy to use VirtualTourStore.com The next generation in custom virtual tours and webmercials from local real estate professional Steve Matthews. TurnHere.com Full service internet video solution provider WellcomeMat.com Put your place on the map - users can upload video, send us video tapes for upload, or hire a videographer YouTube.com Use your own video camera or hire... Read more →

Real Estate Blogging Platforms Update

I received a couple of comments on my post Choosing a Blog Platform with additional info on two of the blogging solutions. In case you missed the comments... From Steve Jagger... Uberator starts at $9.99 and there is no setup fee and everyone get the first 30 days free. Here are a couple of sites that run on our system: http://www.jackylevi.com/ http://www.sandiegocastles.com/ http://www.ianwatt.ca/ Chris Frerecks of Real Estate Blogsites added "we've recently rolled out a new, very affordable [$399 build/ $49 per month], business- class blogging platform which includes basic services and education at no additional cost." Read more →

Get the Blogrush Widget to Increase Traffic to Your Blog

I've come across this new widget - BlogRush - several times recently and decided to check it out. Yaro Starak discussed it on his blog Entrepreneur's Journey and Pat Kitano at Transparent Real Estate posted his review. Here's how it works in a nutshell - you post the widget on your blog and have your posts automatically syndicated on other blogs as readers come to your site and click on the post links. You also earn credits by referring other bloggers to Blogrush. When the referred person signs up for a free account and puts the widget on their blog... Read more →

Choosing a Blogging Platform - How to Blog Series

There are numerous blog platforms available to create your blog ranging from free to a monthly hosting fee. Explore the options, functionality, features and decide which blog solution is best for you. My recommendations ... www.Wordpress.com Wordpress.com is the top choice for a FREE blog (hosted on their servers) or you can download the software at www.Wordpress.org) and install it on your own server or through a web hosting service. x www.Typepad.com I use Typepad for this blog. I enjoy the overall platform and many of the features. Pricing starts at $4.95/month to $29.95 - each level adds additional storage,... Read more →

Learn How to Blog - Next Blogging 101 Class (3 Hrs CE) Scheduled for Nov 5, 2007

Attention future Las Vegas Bloggers! Kathryn Bovard and I have scheduled our next "Real Estate Blogging 101" class for Monday, November 5th (10 am to 1 pm) at Equity Title Training Center. The class is approved by the Nevada Real Estate Commission for 3 hours of Personal Development. You do not have to be a real estate agent to attend! This class is an introduction to blogging for business and is open to anyone who wants to learn the business benefits of blogging . By the end of the class you will have the knowledge and necessary steps to setup... Read more →

Recommended Resources for Real Estate Bloggers

Indiana Sifuentes (Las Vegas REALTOR and up-and-coming blogger) emailed me this excellent article from Business Week: Blogs Will Change Your Business - Look past the yakkers, hobbyists, and political mobs. Your customers and rivals are figuring blogs out. Our advice: Catch up...or catch you later. The article, written in May 2005, really drives home the power of why and how a blog can impact your business. "...you cannot afford to close your eyes to them, because they're simply the most explosive outbreak in the information world since the Internet itself. And they're going to shake up just about every business... Read more →

Team Blogging Concept - Sharing the Load

Here's an idea to help you with more content, more often... have guest contributors on your blog. In the real estate business, we naturally have a team of other professionals we work with. Think about it, do you know an escrow officer, loan officer, home inspector, appraiser, handyman or other vendor who could contribute to your blog with useful, relevant information? This is also a wonderful opportunity to cross-promote your team of professionals. Do you have an agent team? If so, have you considered creating a team blog? You may have hidden talent on your team - budding bloggers -... Read more →

How to Find Your Blog Voice

One of the wonderful features of blogging is the experience of finding your own voice. I am finding that the more I blog the more I get comfortable with the whole experience and the platform. I've also been working on not being so technical and analytical about my writing - allowing my true personality and passion to start emerging. It's a journey that takes patience and commitment. When I think about why I subscribe to various blogs, I find that it's not only that the author has something interesting or compelling to say. I have also discovered these things are... Read more →

Top 15 Tips for Blogging

1. Choose a topic you are passionate about! Clearly define your core topics and focus for your blog and stick to those subjects. 2. Find your voice. Be transparent and authentic. Write in a human voice. Invite a dialogue. Be clear, concise and conversational. 3. Keep it Local! Write about your neighborhoods, local market, what customers/consumers want to know about. 4. Write for the audience you want to have. Know your audience. 5. Write your blog posts for web readers. Scanable, white space, shorter is better, package the content (lists, top 10…), use bullets and graphics. 6. Adopt a mindset... Read more →

How to Subscribe to a Blog Using RSS

A common question for many newbies joining the blogosphere is what is RSS? It stands for Really Simple Syndication. Simplest answer - it's a way to subscribe or choose the content, blogs, podcasts, news feeds you want to have access to, when you want it. From Wikipedia, "RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with their favorite web sites in an automated manner that's easier than checking them manually." Blogs, podcasts and some websites that update their content frequently will have an RSS feed on their site. This is the common symbol for RSS. You may also see... Read more →