33 posts categorized "Books, Music, Pop Culture" Feed

2017 was an emotional, whirlwind of a year. Here's just a few of the memorable moments and events that impacted me the most... Hurricanes, Floods and CA Wildfires (I was in Tampa during Hurricane Irma) The Year of Women ... taking a stand and speaking out Women's March on Washington and More Sexual Harassment - Have We Reached a Cultural Turning Point? Wonder Woman Movie - Hands down Best Movie in a very long time for me! An incredible message and role model. The Evolution of Wonder Woman (VIDEO) Las Vegas Mass Shooting (I am a resident of Las Vegas... Read more →

Since 2011, I've been posting a year in review with what I found to be the best videos, articles and posts for what we collectively searched online, news, trends, pop culture, music and movies. It was definitely a fast-paced and event-filled year... U.S. Presidential Election Syria Brexit Olympics Terrorist attacks Violence against police Black lives matter Cubs win the World Series Pokemon Go Celebrity deaths - Muhammad Ali, Glenn Frye, David Bowie, Prince, Pat Summitt, Gene Wilder, George Michael, Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds to name a few Yahoo Year in Review Video Google's annual Year in Search for 2016 News,... Read more →

2015 Year In Review For News, Trends, Pop Culture, Music, Movies

Here is my annual Year in Review for what we collectively searched online, news, trends, pop culture, music and movies. Google's Year in Search News, Trends, Pop Culture Newsweek's Year in Review CNN Year in Review Fast Facts Twitter Year in Review Facebook Year in Review Music in 2016 Billboard's Year in Music DJ Earworm's United States of Pop Mashup of Top Songs in 2016 A mashup of the FIFTY biggest U.S. hits of 2015 Featuring: Adele - Hello AlunaGeorge and DJ Snake - You Know You Like It Andy Grammer - Honey, I'm Good. Ariana Grande ft. The Weeknd... Read more →

For the last few years I've enjoyed compiling a recap of the best year in review videos, articles and posts for what we collectively searched online, news, trends, pop culture, music and movies. This year includes contributions from TED Talks and popular social media platforms for 2014 - Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr. Enjoy! Facebook 2014 Year in Review TED Talks Highlights 2014 Google - 2014 Year in Search Top 5 Searches on Google in 2014 Twitter 2014 Trending Mashable Article on Twitter 2014 Highlights Tumblr Year in Review The Verge Biggest Stories 2014 CNN - 2014 in Review Fast Facts Yahoo!... Read more →

2013 Year in Review - News, Search, Videos, Movies, Music

Here's the annual collection of links, videos recapping the top stories - news, headlines, music, movies and more for 2013. The Year in Review: the biggest stories of 2013 - from The Verge WSJ version of 2013 Flipboard's 2013 Year In Review Google/Zeitgeist 2013 - What Did we Search for in 2013? SOCIAL MEDIA, VIDEO, MUSIC, MOVIES Facebook compiled "A look back at the people, moments and places around the world that mattered most on Facebook in 2013" Facebook also created a personal review taken from moments and posts on your timeline. 100 Most Powerful Moments of 2013 in Photos... Read more →

Infographic: Top 100 Real Estate Blogs to Follow in 2013

Here's an infographic of 100 Real Estate blogs and resources... this real estate coach blog comes in at 51:) An infographic by the team at CouponAudit Join the WBNL Coaching Wanderers Club - The online, virtual coaching and training platform for Real Estate and Business Professionals. Your basic, FREE membership includes: WBNL Coaching Real Estate Business Plan Online Course and Downloads Read more →

2012 Year in Review

A collection of the best of 2012 - news, headlines, music, movies, culture. Zeitgeist 2012: Year in Review Google 2012 Search Trends: http://www.google.com/zeitgeist/2012/#the-world 50 Most Viral Videos of 2012 from BuzzFeed MUSIC NPR - The Year in Music 2012 Billboards Best of 2012 - the Year in Music DJ Earworm's United States of Pop 2012 (Shine Brighter) MOVIES Rotten Tomatoes - Top 100 Movies 2012 Top Grossing Movies for 2012 (US) Read more →

DJ Earworm Captures the American Pop Music Scene with Creative "Mashups"

One method of capturing one of the themes or feel for a given year is to review the music and artists who either emerged or stayed on the top of the pop charts. DJ Earworm is a master of the music "Mashup" - basically it's the art of taking many songs and mashing parts of them together to create a new song. Earworm has created an annual mashup of the Top 25 most popular songs according to Billboard magazine since 2007. Here is the 2011 edition entitled "World Go Boom" followed by the previous annual mashups. WORLD GO BOOM (2011)... Read more →

2011 Highlights, Headlines, Newsmakers - created using Wordle Reuters Year in Review 2011 Twitter Year in Review Zeitgeist 2011: Year In Review Mobile Year in Review 2011 - The year Mobile took over the world 2011 Year In Review Farewell To Those We Lost (Yahoo) Join the WBNL Coaching Wanderers Club - The online, virtual coaching and training platform for Real Estate and Business Professionals. Your basic, FREE membership includes: WBNL Coaching Real Estate Business Plan Online Course and Downloads Read more →

2011 Pop Song Mashups and Favorite Music Videos

I am a fan of DJ Earworm's Mashups and until the 2011 Mashup is posted... here are some other cool video music mashups to check out highlighting the top of the pop charts for 2011. Music Mashup of 30 pop songs from 2011 - DJ McFLY 1) Party Rock Anthem -- LMFAO 2) S&M -- Rihanna 3) Good Feeling -- Flo Rida ft. Avicii 4) Without You -- David Guetta ft. Usher 5) Niggas In Paris -- Jay Z & Kanye West 6) Tonight (I'm Loving You) -- Enrique Iglacious ft. Ludacris 7) On The Floor -- J Lo ft.... Read more →

The Social Network Movie Interactive Trailer

The Social Network Movie is due out on October 1, 2010. The movie is based on the book The Accidental Billionaire and tells the story of the founding of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and all the other cast of characters. The book is a great read and tells a compelling and fascinating story of the origin of Facebook. Check out the new Interactive Movie Trailer. Just click on the screen throughout the preview for interactive commentary and factoids. Visit www.WBNLCoaching.com to learn more about our coaching program and online training membership options. Your FREE, basic membership includes a complete real estate... Read more →

Real Estate is an enormously exciting, fast-paced and diverse industry. Whether you are interested in the foreclosure market, property investment, commercial reality or even in the economics of real estate, there is ample opportunity to make your mark. Follow the patterns of the market, the advice of professionals, and even the personal stories of first-time realtors by using the links provided below. These engaging and insightful real estate blogs will give you the tools and expertise you need stay on top of trends, overcome obstacles, and stand out in the real estate industry. via guidetocareereducation.com Jan O'Brien - Real Estate... Read more →

I am participating in the Atlanta 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer on October 2-3, 2010. I am asking for you support as we together support those who are in the fight against breast cancer. Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support TEAM G.R.A.B. the Boobies (Girls Racing Against Breast Cancer) - my goal is to reach a minimum of $1,000 for the TEAM and the cause! As many of you know, my Mom, my aunt, my sister Loreen and now my sister, Kerri are all breast cancer survivors. Loreen was... Read more →

Stay Informed with These Key Mortgage, Housing & Real Estate Industry Blogs

One of the ways I stay updated on what is happening in the real estate industry and specifically with the economy and our current housing and mortgage default market is by subscribing to the resources listed below. I highly recommend signing up for the daily email alerts so you can have the news and resources come to you. I just take a few minutes a day to scan the emails with the current headlines and either read or bookmark the articles I want to save for later. Calculated Risk - http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/ DS News - http://www.dsnews.com/ Housing Wire - http://www.housingwire.com/ RISMedia... Read more →

Free Download of 3 Classic Motivational Books

If you haven't read these classics before (or even if you have, they are worth revisiting), download a PDF version today and be prepared for a motivational-inspirational deluge of information to apply, remember, reinforce in your daily life. FREE eBook Downloads: Think and Grow Rich -Napoleon Hill The Master Key System-Charles F. Haanel Richest Man in Babylon - George S. Clason Here is a link to the books I recommend on business, personal development and blogging/social media: Recommended books on Business, Blogging & Social Media, and Personal Development Join the WBNL Coaching Wanderers Club - The online, virtual coaching and... Read more →

Here are 5 Agreements that if you truly comprehend, accept and live by can dramatically change your life! The agreements are taken from 2 outstanding and highly recommended books: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle 1. BE IMPECCABLE WITH YOUR WORD. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. 2. DON’T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do... Read more →

Best of 2008 - Year in Review

Year in Review from WashingtonPost.com CNN: Year In Review 2008 Time's 50 Best Websites of 2008 Amazon's Best Books of 2008 NPR - Best Books of 2008 Lifehackers Most Popular Top 10 Lists for 2008 Rolling Stone Best of 2008 (Albums, movies, DVDs, Songs) InfoWorld: Best Tech Lists of 2008 Yahoo! Year in Review 2008 NYT: 2008 Year in Pictures Mashup of Billboard's Top 25 Songs of 2008 by DJ Earworm "United States of Pop 2008" Read more →

4 Questions for Maximum Productivity - Focus on Results

Are you focusing on what you want or do you find yourself stuck in the negative trap and putting energy on what you don't have? The following information is adapted from Brian Tracy's abundant material on the subject of productivity and performance. I recently revisited and read these Brian Tracy Books: Eat That Frog - 21 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time Focal Point - A Proven System to Simply Your Life, Double Your Productivity, and Achieve all your Goals Maximum Achievement - Strategies and Skills that will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed Tracy... Read more →