13 posts categorized "Lead Generation, Prospecting" Feed

In this segment of the WBNL Podcast, we discuss strategies to get more listings now.  We have included additional tips and ideas to consider implementing for your real estate business in this post.  We invite you to join our Wanderers Club (only $197/year) to access all the premium training including our online course:  Connecting Your Real Estate Business Course, Connecting with Real Estate Social Media and Tech, Introduction to Team Building and Align, Connect Prosper.  Read more →

In this Reach Your Peak segment of the WBNL Podcast, we discuss the six C’s for lead generation and conversion. We have been discussing ways to build your database and email marketing lists – Create leads.  So, it’s time to revisit these critical business tips and strategies so you can capture, connect, cultivate, convert, and close more lead Read more →

In this week's business tip, we discuss ten ways to build your database (or your mailing/emailing list). As a small business owner, you must always be connecting with potential customers and adding them to your mailing list. Ultimately, the goal is to nurture your leads and build relationships through a consistent connection plan that provides valuable and informative information over time. You must stay top of mind with your database so they think of you for their next purchase or sale or they know someone who is ready. It is imperative that you have these tools to support your list... Read more →

Real Estate Tip #3 for 2017: Define and Do Your Daily 5

Do the most important things first in the morning, preferably without interruption, for 60 to 90 minutes, with a clear start and stop time. If possible, work in a private space during this period, or with sound-reducing earphones. Read more →

WBNL Coaching recently conducted a free webinar entitled: Lead Generation: How to Attract, Cultivate and Convert Clients Online and Online To unlock the webinar replay and download all the bonus materials just click on the link below: Lead Generation Workshop Webinar & Downloads Lead Gen Workshop Slide Deck (PDF) Lead Gen Workbook 50 Lead Generation Ideas Here's what you will learn in this training: How your database IS your business - how to generate more referrals Must Have Tools - IDX website, CRM, Landing Page(s) Ways to capture more leads from your listing marketing plan How to leverage the major... Read more →

REALTORS! Are you leveraging the power of an effective open house? This weekend, April 28-29, 2012 is the Realtor Nationwide Open House Weekend... Potential home buyers rely on open houses to help them find the home of their dreams. This weekend buyers can have a greater chance of doing just that during Realtor® Nationwide Open House Weekend, which is organized by state and local Realtor® associations across the country. This Saturday and Sunday, April 28-29, Realtors® from coast to coast will host thousands of open houses while engaging consumers on the benefits of homeownership and bringing buyers and sellers together.... Read more →

A succesful eMarketing strategy must have: Compelling reason(s) for prospect to contact you over other agents Benefits for prospect Specific offers, reports Calls to action Lead capture ability Measuring & Tracking capability Steps for Internet & eMarketing Success 1. Create & Maintain a great “Destination” Website Customer-Centric not Agent-Centric - "Image style branding is out" People don’t want to be sold, they want to be helped and get information Internet = access, information, instant Offer what the consumer wants Easy & accessible Search for listings (IDX) Photos & virtual tours Reports, local market data Neighborhood, community, school information Foreclosure, short... Read more →

6 Fundamentals of Marketing

Jean Jones of ProspectsPlus recently gave an excellent presentation to our real estate office on the fundamentals of marketing and how to use the marketing and lead generation materials available from ProspectsPlus. I encourage you to check out the cost effective and wide variety of marketing materials, personal brochures, postcards and more. Contact Jean Jones directly for more information at 623-544-1205 or email:[email protected]. Here are the six fundamentals of marketing Jean shared with our office: Budget. Every business needs a budget and a method to track your expenses and return on investment. See my post on the Real Estate Business... Read more →

Real Estate Farming - How to Increase Your Listing Inventory

In the real estate business, there are several types of "farms." The geographic farm (prospecting specific neighborhoods or subdivisions) is the most common. Other farms might include: Professional (teachers, attorneys, nurses, doctors - maybe from a related previous career) Apartments and tenant occupied residential properties Out-of-state owners Your last name (I could farm all property owners with the last name O'Brien, O'Brian, O'Bryan for example.) Cultural group Real Estate Farming is analogous to agricultural farming. The "farmer" must analyze the land; prepare and fertilize it; sow the seeds, water, weed and nurture the garden; then harvest the crop when it... Read more →

There are 3 basic reasons why many agents fail to conquer the most important real estate system to implement – your Sphere of Influence (SOI) and Past Client Referral System. 1. They never decide on a contact management or software solution. 2. If they have a solution, they don’t enter the contacts, sort and categorize them. 3. They over-analyze or never decide what to do or send out each month – thus, ultimately doing nothing for months on end. So, let’s break it down step-by-step, get this critical system in place and generating business and referrals immediately. The key to... Read more →

Making Money with Effective Open Houses

Open Houses...You either love 'em or you hate 'em. And based on your attitude about them and as a real estate agent - they either work for you or they don't. In my experience, open houses are the single, easiest, most cost effective way to make money and generate leads in the real estate business. Let's consider the benefits: Marketing exposure for your sellers and your active, saleable listing inventory. There have been offers written and accepted on the actual property an agent is holding open! Opportunity to meet and work with buyers and sellers and make additional sales. The... Read more →

Real Estate Agent Tips - Marketing Your Listings Online

There are a ton of online services and tools available to post your listings and gain additional exposure for your sellers, generate new leads, promote your services and even sell some homes! I've been compiling a list of these resources since last year. Let me know if you have more to add and I'll keep the Online Resource Guide updated and posted. Download marketing_your_listings_online.pdf Online Listing Services: http://www.vflyer.com/main/Guest.jsp http://www.zillow.com/learnmore/WhyUseZillowAgents.htm http://www.trulia.com/brokers/ http://www.wannanetwork.com/ http://www.propsmart.com/ http://www.mlsonline.com/ http://www.intlistings.com/ Classified Ad Sites and Resources: http://craigslist.org/ http://www.futureofrealestatemarketing.com/two-easy-steps-towards-mastering-craiglist/ http://www.oodle.com/ http://base.google.com/ http://google.com/realestatetools http://realestate.yahoo.com/ http://www.vast.com/ http://www.postlets.com/home.php Visit www.WBNLCoaching.com to learn more about our coaching program and online training membership... Read more →

THE Key to Real Estate Success...Always be Prospecting!

A majority of your time in this business will be spent prospecting...that is if your goal is to succeed. ABP (Always be Prospecting) It is the most basic, critical element of success. It is imperative you develop and follow a plan. Build your plan around annual, monthly, weekly and daily prospecting activities. Demand of yourself a weekly minimum number of prospecting contacts. If you are new to the real estate business, 90-95% of your time should be spent asking for business. Do not let pending contracts or any other activity take you out of the business of prospecting every day.... Read more →