We continue our series on blogging for business with this 5-step guide to launching your blog. Go to our page on How To Blog for all the other articles in this series. 1 – Identify your primary topics (niche) Think of your blog as a book – in fact it could lead to actually publishing a book one day! Ideally 3-5 primary topics and 10-12 overall categories What are you truly passionate about? What is your niche or specialty? 2 – Choose a blog platform Built-in blog on your existing website WordPress.com vs WordPress.org Blogger (Google) Typepad (movable type) Active... Read more →
Blogging is not for everyone! It requires dedication and commitment … and your most valuable resource … your time. Before you even consider starting a blog, ask yourself these fundamental questions: Read more →
In this week's WBNL 52 Tip, we share how to create and optimize your YouTube Channel. At WBNL Coaching, we continue to encourage you to create more video! Vide is a game changer for your business. So, just do it already! If you are creating videos on a regular basis, then you must have an optimized YouTube Channel. Listen to the audio segment from our WBNL Podcast Episode 20 and follow along with the tutorial below. Finding/Creating Your Channel from your Google account Create a Google account (if you don’t already have one) Sign in to YouTube Try any action... Read more →
In this segment of the WBNL Podcast, we discuss strategies to get more listings now. We have included additional tips and ideas to consider implementing for your real estate business in this post. We invite you to join our Wanderers Club (only $197/year) to access all the premium training including our online course: Connecting Your Real Estate Business Course, Connecting with Real Estate Social Media and Tech, Introduction to Team Building and Align, Connect Prosper. Read more →
At WBNL Coaching, we embrace and highly recommend using video in your overall business and marketing plan. Video is a game changer and you can truly stand apart from your competitors with consistent and quality videos. Enhance your brand and make your mark as a local real estate market expert with more video! Read more →
In this Reach Your Peak segment of the WBNL Podcast, we discuss the six C’s for lead generation and conversion. We have been discussing ways to build your database and email marketing lists – Create leads. So, it’s time to revisit these critical business tips and strategies so you can capture, connect, cultivate, convert, and close more lead Read more →
In this week's tip. we share some important tips and how-to's for reviewing and changing your Facebook data sharing and privacy settings. Read more →
In a previous week's business tip, we covered 10 ways to build your mailing list. This week we build on that business strategy and share some tips and best practices for using email to market to your database and various email lists. Overall, our recommendation is to have a multi-type connection plan for leads and past clients/your database that includes: Email Text Calls Mailers Social media messages Personal notes Let's talk specifically in this tip about email marketing. What can you use for email marketing? Your current CRM Top Producer Lion Desk Contactually iXact Contact Does your real estate website... Read more →
In this week's business tip, we discuss ten ways to build your database (or your mailing/emailing list). As a small business owner, you must always be connecting with potential customers and adding them to your mailing list. Ultimately, the goal is to nurture your leads and build relationships through a consistent connection plan that provides valuable and informative information over time. You must stay top of mind with your database so they think of you for their next purchase or sale or they know someone who is ready. It is imperative that you have these tools to support your list... Read more →
Here are Four Client Connections we highly recommend including in your past client connection plan: Closing Settlement Statement Home Anniversary Card Email and/or Call Birthday Card, Email and/or Call Annual Home Valuation Closing Settlement Statement This marketing connection is designed to send the first week of January to all clients who closed a transaction in the previous year. Make sure to send it in January for those clients who prepare a tax return as soon as they get their W-9 or W-2s! Download the Closing Statement letter template Tips on Implementing this Client Connection Strategy Follow these easy steps to... Read more →
LinkedIn is the definitive professional networking and business development platform. It is the place to showcase you, your brand, and your business to peers, influencers, and prospective clients. LinkedIn is a powerful search engine and searchable database of information, people, companies, and groups. It is imperative to optimize your profile for searching by included your targeted keywords throughout your profile. We recently updated our training tutorial on Creating an All-Star Profile and also discussed our 11 tips to a Power LinkedIn Profile on our Podcast. Here is the excerpt of that tip: Branded Cover Image Professional Headshot Keywords in Headline... Read more →
In this business tip, we hare an idea called the Local Business Spotlight Connection. It's an easy and powerful strategy to provide added value to your past clients (Your Database) and another way to connect with your past clients. Identify 12 small business owners in your market area - one to spotlight each month. Start with your database and think about who has a local small business. Create and send a letter or email to your database to see if they have a business or service to promote. Ask them to contact you so you can discuss the networking opportunity.... Read more →
At WBNL Coaching, we have been talking about starting a podcast for over a year. One of our goals for 2018 was to make that dream a reality. Matt Emerson and I are now 14 episodes in and having a blast using this medium to share our insights, experiences and strategies for real estate business owners, entrepreneurs and all who love to wander and travel. We have and will continue to interview guests who share their experiences, tips and success strategies (from brokers, real estate team leaders to experts and thought leaders in a variety of fields.) If you haven't... Read more →
5 Business Tips from the House of the Mouse I had the privilege of being a part of the leadership team in Theme Park Operations at Disneyland for over 5 years. The practical experiences I encountered have proven to be more valuable than any class, book, or video that I have ever been exposed to. The sheer volume of everything; people, processes, policies, paperwork, food, and merchandise is mind-blowing. Keeping the cast and the guests happy while watching out for potential safety and health incidents and ensuring an efficient operation at the same time could be a daunting task. The... Read more →
We find that many real estate agents (and other small business owners) avoid setting up some of the online sites (Yelp for example) because they are worried about getting a bad or negative review. Reality Check…. reviews and ratings are not going away for the real estate professional! In fact, it’s become so mainstream that you may be hurting your business if you are not fully embracing an effective strategy for getting client reviews and ratings. Prospective customers and even your referrals are Googling you and looking for ratings and reviews from previous clients when selecting an agent to hire.... Read more →
Our business and mindset tip of the week is how to create and follow a daily (morning) ritual. Matt and Jan discuss the benefits of having a daily ritual to start your day in a positive state of mind in Episode 7 of the Wandering But Not Lost Podcast. Avoid the urge to check your phone, notifications, email and social media as the very first thing you do when you wake up in the morning. Instead, design and adopt a daily ritual to start your day in a positive mindset. Show up every day: Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. Now... Read more →
Getting More Client Reviews and Testimonials
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Client Reviews and Testimonials have become absolutely critical to your business success! We all know that approximately 90% of consumers use the internet to search for homes and this includes searching for and "Googling" the Realtor that they eventually decide to hire! Even when you get a referral, don't you know that they are most likely doing a Google search on you to discover all they can and check your reviews? Here are the most important online locations to get client reviews, recommendations, or testimonials for your business: Zillow LinkedIn Google My Business Facebook Page LinkedIn Yelp Your Website Our... Read more →
Amber De La Garza is The Productivity Specialist! Amber is a sought-after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, and the host of the Productivity Straight Talk podcast. She helps real estate professionals take consistent, massive, focused action in business and equips them with the specific techniques needed to reduce stress, increase profits, make more time for what matters most, and achieve their vision of success. Amber discusses How to Conquer the Day with 5 Daily Planning Pavers in this episode of the WBNL Podcast. To take advantage of the 5 Daily Planning Pavers, you first need to set aside 15 minutes at... Read more →
How to Build Your Real Estate Operations Manual
Saturday, February 24, 2018
A Real Estate Operations Manual ……Why you need one! Download RETB_Tasks_Procedures_Manual_v1 Written procedures for the primary pillars of your business operation will provide consistency, efficiency It’s a reflection of your expectations and standards for all team members Create checklists, job descriptions and clear tasks for every member of your team Your manual becomes your training document when onboarding new team members It is a Key asset for your eventual Exit Strategy You can build it as you go (don’t get overwhelmed … it is a process!) Leverage your admin staff to help you create the written procedures as required What... Read more →
1 - Shift to the Business Owner Mindset As Michael Gerber states in the eMyth Revisited – you are the 3 key roles when you start your business: CEO – vision Manager – operations; customer service Technician – sales & marketing; content creators Successful business owners have these 3 traits: a great work ethic (they show up and work their plan), unwavering perseverance and a positive, make-it-happen mindset. Work Ethic - requires diligence, hard work, and self-discipline. This means you have a definitive plan of action and you work it consistently. Positive Mindset is a process not event! You have... Read more →