53 posts categorized "Social Media Marketing" Feed

When is the last time you updated your social media or any online profile? It’s a new year and a new decade, maybe it’s time to give your profiles a fresh look and feel?! Branded Cover Photo – use the right image size for that network. See the chart for correct image sizes for all networks. New Profile Photo – go get a new headshot if you haven’t done so in a while … or a decade J Use the same photo on all platforms for consistency with branding Facebook profile picture: 170 X 170 pixels Facebook cover photo: 828... Read more →

LinkedIn is the definitive professional networking and business development platform. It is the place to showcase you, your brand, and your business to peers, influencers, and prospective clients. LinkedIn is a powerful search engine and searchable database of information, people, companies, and groups. It is imperative to optimize your profile for searching by included your targeted keywords throughout your profile. We recently updated our training tutorial on Creating an All-Star Profile and also discussed our 11 tips to a Power LinkedIn Profile on our Podcast. Here is the excerpt of that tip: Branded Cover Image Professional Headshot Keywords in Headline... Read more →

On January 11, 2018, Mark Zuckerberg announced a major change about the Facebook news feed.  In this tip, we discuss these changes and, more importantly, share several strategies to adjust to the changes for your business and social media marketing plan. Read more →

How would you rate your online presence currently?  When was the last time you Googled "your name" and were you satisfied with the results? Do you dominate the first two pages of Google?  Let’s face it, prospective customers, referrals, other agents and clients are “Googling” you!  We all "Google" ourselves and others, right? To manage your online reputation, your brand and the message you want consumers to see when they Google you, it is imperative to have complete and compelling profiles on the sites listed below. Read more →

Real Estate Tip #7 for 2017 – Execute a Social Media Marketing Strategy

Do you have a solid social media marketing plan for 2017? A social media marketing plan is a key component of any business these days. It is possible to generate and convert leads into closed transactions when you implement a strategic and consistent social media plan. Think of social networking sites as just that … an opportunity to build relationships, build community, enhance your brand, leverage yourself as a local expert and real estate professional. To be most effective on social media, you must become a consistent content marketer or curator. Content marketing builds trust. People want to do business... Read more →

LinkedIn is the definitive professional networking and business development platform. It is the place to showcase you, your brand, and your business to peers, influencers, and prospective clients. LinkedIn is like a powerful search engine and searchable database of information, people, companies, and groups. It is imperative to optimize your profile for searching by included your targeted keywords throughout your profile. Don’t “overstuff” your profile with keywords, but rather integrate them into the copy in a natural and readable way. Unlock the Webinar Replay video and Download our All-Star LinkedIn Profile Guide What you will learn in this training webinar:... Read more →

Infographic: 11 Essentials for Your Blog Posts

Excellent article and infographic on the true essentials for great blog posts from Copy Blogger. Craft a magnetic headline. Open with a bang. Use persuasive words. Write damn good sentences. Insert killer bullet points. Create exquisite subheads. Tell a seductive story. Keep attention with internal cliffhangers. Choose an arresting image. Close with style. Be authentic. Like this infographic? Get content marketing advice that works from Copyblogger. Join the Wanderers Club for $67/mth membership fee to access all of the member benefits including monthly training webinars, group coaching sessions, online training courses, private Facebook and LinkedIn Groups. FREE Basic membership is... Read more →

A social media marketing plan is a key component of any business these days. It is possible to generate and convert leads into closed transactions when you implement a strategic and consistent social media plan. Think of social networking sites as just that ... an opportunity to build relationships, build community, enhance your brand, leverage yourself as a local expert and real estate professional. Here are the Most Popular Social Networking Sites (April 2014) as derived from eBizMBA Rank which is a constantly updated average of each website's Alexa Global Traffic Rank, and U.S. Traffic Rank from both Compete and... Read more →

Realty ONE Group Presents Monthly TECH TALKS via Live Webinar

Realty ONE Group is proud to announce ROG Tech Talks. Every month, we will be presenting information, power tips and strategies on the most effective technology, tools, social networking sites and apps to support your business, build your brand, engage consumers, and convert leads. Webinars will be recorded and available for viewing to all Realty ONE Group agents at MYROG.com. These Webinars are open to anyone interested in learning how to effectively integrate technology and social media into their business. I will be co-presenting and facilitating these Tech Talks along with ROG Marketing Director and Social Media wiz, Phil Sexton.... Read more →

Facebook launched it's new feature "Places" where You can add places, check in to places that already exist, and tag people who are with you. Read the Facebook Places: A Field Guide from Mashable A few things to note about Facebook Places: It works with iPhone (Facebook plans releases of Android and Blackberry versions) or use the Facebook Touch mobile site Configure your privacy settings! By default, Places I check in to is set so Friends Only can see it. To change the setting click on Account,then Privacy settings and Customize Settings. Another default setting on the “Customize settings” page... Read more →

Facebook Movie Preview - Social Network

"The Social Network" Movie is due out this fall and is based on the book "The Accidental Billionaires" by Ben Mezrich. Mezrich wrote the story of how Facebook started without any input from Zuckerberg. His primary source was Facebook's co-founder Eduardo Saverin, who was the company's original business manager but later had a legal dispute with Zuckerberg. The book is a great read and tells a compelling and fascinating story of the origin of Facebook. Discover the power of business coaching – Book a Free 30-minute consultation with Jan Posted via email from jan obrien's posterous Read more →

Building Your Social Media Profile Panel at RISMedia Social Media Summit

I had the opportunity to be a part of a dynamic panel on Social Media Profiles at the RISMedia Leadership Conference/Social Media Summit in Rye, New York (June 9-10). The panel was facilitated by Krisstina Wise, Broker-Owner of The Good Life Team in Austin, TX. Krisstina has (in just over a year) dominated in her market place with her web presence through blogging and integration of other key social networks like Facebook and Twitter. More than 50% of her business is generated through social media. The panel included: Pat Wattam, Broker/Associate, Re/Max First in Baton Rouge, LA Anthony Crecco, Broker/Owner... Read more →

We created the Short Sale Professional Network initially for CSP graduates only. We recently opened up the membership to anyone who is working in the short sale market and wants to participate. Read more →

Tamar Weinberg of Techipedia compiled an unbelievably comprehensive and well-researched “Best of 2009″ summary of the best blog posts on social media, social networks, reputation management, branding, seo and more. This post is a must bookmark for reference and reading. Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009 Attention Las Vegas Real Estate Agents & Business Professionals! Don't miss the Blogging & Social Networking for Business Workshop Next Class Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 1:00 to 4:00 pm Download the class flyer: Blog Class Flyer Feb 12, 2010 Location: Robb & Stucky Community Room, (Town Square Las Vegas • At I-15 and... Read more →

FREE Virtual RE BarCamp is 1-4-10; Social Media & Tech All Day Mega-Webinar

I attended the first amazing REBarcamp in San Francisco, August 2008 - held prior to the Inman Connect. REBarcamp is now Virtual and still FREE and it's TOMORROW - January 4, 2010. If you want to seriously get a jump start on how to integrate Social Media into your Real Estate Business --- sign up now! Educating Real Estate Agents On How To Use Modern Technologies To Better Their Business Will Never Be The Same! On January 4th, 2010 dozens of the most respected educators in the real estate industry converge to host most exciting event of its kind, the... Read more →

Blogworld Expo '09 - Insights from Laura Fitton on Awesomeness, Connecting and Twitter

Laura Fitton (@pistachio, oneforty.com) delivered an inspiring and thought-provoking opening keynote at the Blogworld Expo 2009. I have to admit, my internal struggle with Twitter and blogging in general has been to surrender to the process, let go of my own fears and truly be transparent, less technical, more remarkable and interesting. I am in awe of the people who brilliantly tweet, blog or post a Facebook status in a succinct, intriguing, thoughtful, entertaining, funny and compelling way. Laura's talk had several nuggets to share - here is a summary: Fear is a terrible motivator - don't make decisions from... Read more →

Real Estate Widgets for Your Blog or Web Site

Are you a real estate agent and BLOGGER? Are you searching for ways to add interesting and compelling content to your blog or web site? How about adding a widget or two to your sidebar? In case you are not yet familiar with the term “widget”… What is a Widget? According to Wordpress.com… A Widget is a fancy word for tools or content that you can add, arrange, and remove from the sidebars of your blog. Widgets make it easy to customize the content of your blog sidebar – the part of your blog to the left, right or sometimes... Read more →

The Power of Social Media for Business

If you haven't seen this video - take a look...Very powerful and compelling stats and facts about how social media is impacting us on all levels. Are you ready to learn more about Business Blogging & Social Media? Don't miss our next CE training Class: Real Estate Blogging 101 Wednesday, September 23rd, 1:00 to 4:00 pm First United Mortgage Building Do not mapquest - The street does not exist! (215 - between S. Buffalo and S. Durango - off W. Sunset) Here is a MAP $45 in advance; $55 at the door Register online at http://www.careerrealty.com/contact_training.htm Join the Wanderers Club... Read more →

President Obama stays connected through blogs, websites and social media

I really love how President Obama continues to use social media outlets to stay connected to the people! The latest addition to the mix is www.Recovery.gov where you can stay informed about how and where the money is being distributed from the recently passes American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Visit the site for timelines, graphics, charts and updates The President has promised Accountability and Transparency... "This is your money. You have a right to know where it's going and how it's being spent. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will be carried out with full transparency and accountability -- and... Read more →