At WBNL Coaching, we have been talking about starting a podcast for over a year. One of our goals for 2018 was to make that dream a reality. Matt Emerson and I are now 14 episodes in and having a blast using this medium to share our insights, experiences and strategies for real estate business owners, entrepreneurs and all who love to wander and travel. We have and will continue to interview guests who share their experiences, tips and success strategies (from brokers, real estate team leaders to experts and thought leaders in a variety of fields.) If you haven't... Read more →
2 posts categorized "Travel Tips"
2016 marks the 100th anniversary of our National Park Service. At Wandering But Not Lost we are dedicated to bringing you insights, fun facts and tips to get the most out of your National Park Service (NPS) experience. We’ve committed to getting up and getting out to new Parks, Monuments, and Historic Sites this year as a part of the National Park Service’s campaign to #FindYourPark. We challenge you to do the same! 🌲 We’d like to hear about your adventures. When you are out wandering please add the hashtag #WanderingButNotLost to your posts. We’ll share your pics and stories... Read more →